Transparency law

Disclosure of information about obligations of transparency and good governance according to Law 19/2013 of 9 December.

The obligation to ensure transparency of information deriving from this Law, applicable to private entities, requires that the Fundació Miró must periodically publish and update the following institutional and economic information on its website:

Institutional information

The Fundació Joan Miró Centre d’Estudis d’Art Contemporani is a private civil foundation subject to Law 49/2002 of 23 December, concerning the tax system for non-profit-making organisations, and it is governed by the Statutes and other legal provisions applicable under the protectorate of the Generalitat de Catalunya.

Its registered office is Parc de Montjuïc, s/n, Barcelona.

The Fundació was founded on 7 April 1972 and its principal purpose is to disseminate the work of Joan Miró through the collection of works at the Foundation and exhibitions of contemporary art, as well as to stage complementary activities, such as music cycles, seminars, children’s’ shows, educational activities, etc.

The representation, governance, administration and disposal of the Foundation’s assets fall to the responsibility of a Board of Trustees, which was originally formed by a group of intellectuals, artists, friends and relatives of Joan Miró. The Board is currently composed of a maximum of twenty-five trustees, including representatives from the Generalitat de Catalunya, the Spanish Ministry of Culture, Barcelona City Council and the world of business and the arts. Under no circumstances do the members of the Foundation’s Board of Trustees receive any form of retribution for carrying out the duties related with their position or for any other services. The Director received 119.266 euros on 2023 for performing her managerial duties.

Information updated on May 2024.

Members of the governing bodies

Fundació Joan Miró Board of Trustees


Trustee Position Representing
Sara Puig Alsina President Personal capacity
Ana Vallés Vice-president Personal capacity
Josep M. Coronas Guinart Secretary Personal capacity
Ignasi Aballí Trustee Personal capacity
Frederic Amat Noguera Trustee Personal capacity
Lola Fernández Jiménez Trustee Personal capacity
Josep M. Carreté i Nadal Trustee Generalitat de Catalunya
Laia Gasch Casals Trustee Personal capacity
Maria Eugènia Gay Rosell Trustee Barcelona City Council
Joaquim Borràs Gómez Trustee Generalitat de Catalunya
Elena Juncosa Vecchierini Trustee Fundació Mas Miró
Ángeles Albert Trustee Ministerio de Cultura
Antònia Maria Perelló Trustee Funació Miró Mallorca
Akiko Katsuta Trustee Personal capacity
Ariane Lelong-Mainaud Trustee Personal capacity
Robert Lubar Messeri Trustee Personal capacity
Rosa Maria Malet Trustee Personal capacity
Xavier Marcé Carol Trustee Barcelona City Council
Andreu Mas-Colell Trustee Personal capacity
Rafael Pardo Avellaneda Trustee Personal capacity
Carol Portabella Trustee Personal capacity
Eva Prats Güerre Trustee Personal capacity
Joan Punyet Miró Trustee Personal capacity
Odette Viñas Gomis Trustee Personal capacity

Trustees emeriti
Jaume Freixa Janariz
Joan Gardy Artigas
Kazumasa Katsuta
Daniel Lelong
Andreu Mas-Colell

Internal departments


Marko Daniel

Managing Director

Marga Sala

Secretary to the Director
Graziel·la Cuairan
Melanie McPherson

Artistic Department

Ana Ara

Teresa Montaner
Elena Escolar
Ingrid Fontanet

Elisabet Serrat
Toni Esparó

Exhibition Office
Martina Millà
Ester Ramos
Xavier de Luca (external collaborator)
Dolors Rodríguez Roig (Fundació Joan Miró - UPF Chair of Contemporary Art)
Véronique Dupas
Ramon Balcells
Loida de Vargas

Production and Registrar
Ester Rabert
Jordi Juncosa
Imma Carballés
Enric Gili
Roxana Gazdzinski 
Pilar Roca (external collaborator)

Magda Anglès
Gemma Gallardo

Public programming and education
Jordi Joan Clavero
Noemí Tomàs
Mercè Jarque
Montse Quer
blanca arias (col·laboradora externa)
Marc Esquirol (col·laborador extern)

Communication and Marketing

Rosa María Jiménez

Alba Gómez 
Laura Rigal

Laura Rodríguez Sentís
Gisela Martin (external collaborator)

Institutional Relations and Protocol
Marian Barreda

Mercè Sabartés

Dani Zapater 

Financial Management and Services Department

Eric Leroux

Managment control
Xavier Pont

Patricia Bonet
Astrid Dachs
Maite Asenjo
Susana Martínez (external collaborator)

Pedro Larrègle

Ramon González
Xavi Ortiz
Sergi Safont
Javier Rajoy
Beniamin Sabadus

Audiovisual production
Jorge Bravo

Josep Ciller

Alliances and Philantrophy Department

Laura León
Mar Núñez

People Management Department

Merche Rey
Pilar Jiménez (external collaborator)

Business Department

Glòria Rius

Bookshop and shop

Mercè Híjar
Dèlia Bureta
Maria Acosta
Irene Agui
Anna Felip
Alicia González
Pablo A. Iglesian
Javier Jiménez
Federico Mihura
Barbara Rossi
Juli Tobaruela
Isabel Vidal
Nour Sahili
Albert Salvador
Francesc Agustí
Karen Rambla
Francesc Agustí


Oriol Egea
Ana Rosa Amoros
Hortensia Contreran
Belén Reguera
Nancy Vasquez
Sergio Muñoz
Carlos Vasquez
Ervis Delgado
Verónica Zúñiga

Bookings and management
Gemma Cervera

Project Management Office

Carla Peñate

Information updated on May 2024.

Economic information

Grants received from government bodies

The grants received from government bodies from 2019 on are shown hereunder, with their value in euros and purpose.

Government body     Purpose     2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Generalitat de Catalunya Operation / Activity 552.229 1.180.324 767.854 658.105 1.057.974
Generalitat de Catalunya Investments 117.630 1.127.205 150.000    
Barcelona City Council    Operation / Activity 735.946 1.735.009 710.019 960.019 1.026.949
Barcelona City Council    Investments     350.000 250.000 200.000
Ministerio de Cultura Operation / Activity 90.000 90.000 800.000 1.700.000 500.000
Diputació Operation / Activity   100.000      
Diputació Per inversions     100.000    
    1.495.805 4.232.538 2.877.873 3.568.124 2.784.923

Contracts awarded by public administrations

The Joan Miró Foundation has not been awarded any contracts by any public administration (2023).

Collaboration agreements

The Fundació Joan Miró has collaboration agreements in place with the following institutions (2023):

  • Fundación Privada Abertis
  • Fundación BBVA
  • Fundació Catalunya Cultura
  • Fundació Vila Casas
  • Fundació Banc Sabadell
  • Fundació Puig
  • Fundació Sorigué
  • Fundació TMB
  • In-Store media
  • Duques de Bergara S.L.U.
  • H10 Hoteles S.L.
  • Fundació Damm
  • Fundació Dvesta 
  • Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF)
  • El Periódico de Catalunya S.L.
  • La Vanguardia Ediciones
  • Universitat Pompeu Fabra
  • Art Revolution Time, S. L. 
  • Mora Banc Grup S.A.
  • Helvetia Compañía Suiza
  • Fundació Bancària La Caixa
  • Sociedad General de Aguas de Barcelona. S. A. U.
  • Grífols, S. A. 
  • Sociedad Mercantil Estatal de Acción Cultural, S. A. 
  • Arquia Bank, S. A. 
  • Fundació Catalunya La Pedrera
  • Edició de Premsa Periòdica Ara, S. L.
  • Transports de Barcelona, S. A.
  • Leisure and Cultural Services
  • Fundació Museu Picasso de Barcelona
  • Universitat Internacional de Catalunya
  • Tramvia Metropolità, S. A. 
  • Reial Club Nàutic de Barcelona

Director’s retribution

  2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
  102.655 80.473 100.666 115.871 119.266

Fundació Joan Miró Budget

The budget of the Fundació Joan Miró is shown hereunder with the principal items and information about their implementation status.

    Total € % Total € % % Executed
Income by activity       6.013.800 53% 6.655.513 59% 111%
Institutional grants       2.918.610 26% 2.584.923 23% 89%
Private income       2.119.250 19% 1.697.502 15% 80%
Other income       325.000 3% 332.786 3% 102%
TOTAL INCOME       11.376.660 100% 11.270.724 100% 99%
Purchases   1.241.125 11% 948.076 8% 76%
Personnel   4.085.960 36% 3.696.024 32% 90%
Other expenses       5.574.616 49% 6.452.221 56% 116%
Amortitation and depretiation     465.587 4% 542.807 5% 117%
Financial & non recurring expenses     9.372 0% -33.076 0% -353%
TOTAL EXPENSES       11.376.660 100% 11.606.052 100% 102%
Net result       0   -335.328 3%  

Annual accounts and auditors’ report

The Fundació Joan Miró presents its audited annual accounts to the protectorate of the Generalitat de Catalunya.

Annual accounts 2023  (in Catalan)

Annual accounts 2022  (in Catalan)

Annual accounts 2021  (in Catalan)

Annual accounts 2020  (in Catalan)

Annual accounts 2019  (in Catalan)

Annual accounts 2018  (in Catalan)

Annual accounts 2017  (in Catalan)

Annual accounts 2016  (in Catalan)

Annual accounts 2015  (in Catalan)

Annual accounts 2014  (in Catalan)

Annual reports

Annual report 2022 

Annual report 2021 (in Catalan)

Annual report 2020 (in Catalan)

Annual report 2019 (in Catalan)

Annual report 2018 (in Catalan)

Strategic Plan

Inclusion and Diversity Policy